I am passionate about helping you create a balanced body and mind through the therapies I offer. My passion for health and well-being was inspired by my own healing journey and training in a multitude of disciplines; my thirst for knowledge and self-development has continued since having a family and to the present day. I have invested in many years of professional trainings and continue with both my professional and personal development having recently qualified in Facelift massage at the Brighton School of Massage and continuing a programme of self-care.

About Me
Where my journey began

In my mid-20s after years of unhealthy living, self-sabotage and reliance on pharmaceuticals, I began to seek a better way to live. I was working in public relations in London feeling the consequences of burning the candle at both ends; I was in a soulless job, in an unhealthy relationship and suffering from bouts of chronic fatigue. Overwhelmed and stressed, I booked my first ever body massage = a light bulb went on! The therapist’s healing hands had such a positive and inspirational effect on me that I decided that I needed a life change – I wanted to help others feel the transformation I did. Luckily, I had found my purpose and my own healing hands were ready for the journey!
My Training
In 1996, I completed my two year full-time training course, qualifying in massage, aromatherapy and reflexology at The Raworth Centre, Surrey. This also included study in pathology, anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, nutrition and counselling. This sparked my interest in health and how the human body can naturally heal itself and how therapies in conjunction with lifestyle changes can get to the root cause of and help recovery from dis-ease and promote radiant health. During all my trainings and throughout my clinical practice I have been professionally supported by other therapists in order to keep my own balance and health - so I endeavour to walk my talk!
Over the years, I have added to my tool box to help others by continuing to study. I have gained qualifications in various forms of therapy: three year full-time course in Homeopathic Medicine at The London College of Homeopathy (1999): two year full-time course in Craniosacral Therapy at the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (2000) and a three year part-time course in Yoga Teaching (2013) at The Yoga Academy. I have also trained in Transcendental Meditation, Hot and Cold Stone Massage, Angelic Healing, Reiki Healing, and recently in Natural Facelift Massage and Guasha Facial Massage.
My experience as a therapist spans over 20 years working in London clinics, yoga studios and retreats in the UK and Europe, and working at an alcohol and drug addiction rehab clinic in West Sussex. I am currently based in West Sussex and teach yoga classes in Arundel at the beautiful Cathedral Centre: a perfect venue with cosy underfloor heating in the winter and a light, bright and airy space in the summer. I offer a variety of holistic treatments from my Rustington treatment room for both adults and children. I also practice at Still Partners Clinic, 1Oldbury Place, London, W1 with Michael Skipwith, a highly skilled and renowned Cranial Osteopath.

Now, my sensitivity, personal life experiences, self-healing knowledge, ongoing learning and growth help me facilitate others to raise their vibration (we are energetic beings) and navigate their traumas and triggers; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, using the healing tools I have learnt. My learning journey is continuous as we are forever learning/un-learning or remembering.
My intuitive ability and holistic and multi-disciplined approach is effective at restoring balance to physical and emotional health. This can help you reach a level of healing and understanding that will enable you to reach your personal health goals. I practice the different therapies either separately or in combination to suit individual needs. I also combine healing sound frequency, crystals, essential oils, angelic aura combination sprays by Amanda Ellis (@angeliccelestialcolours) Bach Flower Essences and other methods when called upon or when the client requires it.
My intention in my treatments and yoga classes is to uplift and facilitate you to feel better; I work from the heart, so you get a pure, heartfelt, intuitive treatment that your body recognises on a deep level. We should all feel nurtured, valued and encouraged to be in radiant health, our authentic selves reaching our potential. Sometimes, to heal we need to be in a safe, confidential space to be listened to and speak our truth without judgment. I am honoured that I can create that space for my clients. Whether you are navigating work-related stress, experiencing relationship challenges, having acute or chronic physical issues or seeking ways to enhance your overall well-being, I am here to listen and provide practical approaches to help you regain your balance.